> Zend Framework中文手册 > 7.13. 从以前的版本移植

7.13. 从以前的版本移植

随着时间的推移,MVC组件的API修改了许多。如果你从Zend Framework早期的版本开始使用,遵照下面的方针来移植你的脚本来使用新的架构。

7.13.1.  从 1.5.x 移植到 1.6.0 或更新的版本  分发器接口修改

引起我们注意的是Zend_Controller_FrontZend_Controller_Router_Route_Module 使用的分发器方法不在分发器接口里。 我们现在添加了下列三个方法来确保定制的分发器可以继续工作:

  • getDefaultModule(): 应当返回缺省模块名称。

  • getDefaultControllerName(): 应当返回缺省控制器的名称。

  • getDefaultAction(): 应当返回缺省动作的名称。

7.13.2.  从 1.0.x 到 1.5.0 或更新的版本的移植

尽管大部分基本功能和所有有文档的功能保持不变,但有一个特别的 未披露的(undocumented) “功能”发生了改变。

当写 URLs,文档记载的写驼峰式的动作名称的方法是使用一个字分隔符,这些分隔符缺省是 '.' 或 '-',也可以在派遣器里配置。派遣器在内部把动作命称都变成小写字母,并使用这些字分隔符通过驼峰规则来重新组合动作方法。 然而,因为 PHP 函数不是大小写敏感,你仍然 可以 使用驼峰规则来写 URLs,派遣器将解析它们到同一位置。 例如:'camel-cased' 将成为 'camelCasedAction' ,而 'camelCased' 将成为 'camelcasedAction' ,然而,根据 PHP 的大小写敏感性,它们都将执行同一方法。

问题是当用视图解析器(ViewRenderer)解析(resolving)视图脚本的时候:规范的,文档记载的方法是所有的字分隔符被转换成短横线,所有的字母变小写,这在动作和视图脚本之间建立了一个语义联系,并且标准化确保能找到脚本。然而,如果调用动作 'camelCased' 并确实被解析,字分隔符不再存在,并且视图解析器(ViewRenderer)尝试解析到不同的地方 - 'camelcased.phtml' 而不是 'camel-cased.phtml' 。

有些开发者无意中依赖这个“功能”。在 1.5.0 中有若干修改,使得视图解析器(ViewRenderer)不再解析这些路径,现在强制语义联系。 首先,派遣器现在强制动作名大小写敏感,那意味着在 url 指向动作而使用的驼峰命名和使用字分隔符(如,'camel-casing')不再解析到同一方法。这导致视图解析器(ViewRenderer)当解析视图教本时只考虑字分隔符动作。


  • 最好的办法:修改视图脚本的名称。好处是:向前兼容。坏处是:如果你的视图脚本很多,那是一个很大的工作量。

  • 第二好的办法:视图解析器(ViewRenderer)现在给 Zend_Filter_Inflector 代表视图脚本解析,可以修改变形器(inflector)的规则,使之不再用短横线作为动作名称中的分隔符:

    $viewRenderer = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('viewRenderer');
    $inflector = $viewRenderer->getInflector();
    $inflector->setFilterRule(':action', array(
        new Zend_Filter_Pregreplace(
            '#[^a-z0-9' . preg_quote(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '#') . ']+#i',

    上面的代码修改变形器使之不再使用短横线作为字分隔符,如果你确实也想用驼峰命名实际的视图脚本,可能要删除 'StringToLower'过滤器。


  • 最不希望的办法:你可以强制派遣器用新的前端控制器标志-'useCaseSensitiveActions'来派遣驼峰命名的动作:

    $front->setParam('useCaseSensitiveActions', true);

    这将允许你再 url 中使用驼峰命名并且仍把它解析到和用字分隔符命名的同一动作。然而,这将意味着原有的问题接踵而来,你将可能使用上述第二种办法以确保可靠工作。


7.13.3.  从 0.9.3 到 1.0.0RC1 或更新的版本的移植

在1.0.0RC1中的主要变化是ErrorHandler插件的缺省激活 和 ViewRenderer的动作助手的简介。请阅读整个的文档来看它们是如何工作的和对你的应用程序有什么影响。


$front->setParam('noErrorHandler', true);




// Assuming $front is an instance of Zend_Controller_Front
$front->setParam('noViewRenderer', true);




  • Calls to $this->render()

  • Calls to $this->_forward()

  • Calls to $this->_redirect()

  • Calls to the Redirector action helper





public function preDispatch()
    // disable view script autorendering
    // .. do other things...



  • 如果在一个单个的动作里调用多个视图脚本,你不需要修改任何事情。

  • 如果不带参数调用render(),你可以删除它。

  • 如果带参数调用render(),并以后不做任何处理或调用多个视图脚本,你可以修改这些调用去读$this->_helper->viewRenderer()

如果你不使用传统模块目录结构,有很多方法来设置视图基本路径和脚本路径参数,这样你可以使用ViewRenderer。请阅读ViewRenderer 文档中关于这些方法的信息。


  • 在派遣前端控制器实例之前:

    // Assuming $view has already been defined
    $viewRenderer = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer($view);
  • 在引导过程中的任何时候:

    $viewRenderer = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('viewRenderer');



7.13.4. 从 0.9.2 移植到 0.9.3 或更新的版本

0.9.3 介绍了action helpers。作为这个改变的一部分,下面的方法已经删除因为它们现在被封装到重定向动作助手:

  • setRedirectCode();使用 Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector::setCode()

  • setRedirectPrependBase();使用 Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector::setPrependBase()

  • setRedirectExit();使用 Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector::setExit()


7.13.5. 从 0.6.0 移植到 0.8.0 或更新的版本





  • Zend_Controller_Router 被删除有利于rewrite路由器。

  • Zend_Controller_RewriteRouter 改名为 Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite,并提升为标准路由器和框架一起发行;如果没有提供其它路由器 Zend_Controller_Front 将使用它为缺省的路由器。

  • 使用rewrite路由器的新路由被引入,Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Module;它覆盖了MVC使用的缺省路由,并支持控制器模块 。

  • Zend_Controller_Router_StaticRoute 改名为 Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Static

  • Zend_Controller_Dispatcher 改名为 Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard

  • Zend_Controller_Action::_forward()的参数被修改。签名现在是:

    final protected function _forward($action, $controller = null, $module = null, array $params = null);

    $action总是被要求的;如果没有指定控制器,在当前控制器中的动作被使用。$module 总是被忽略除非 $controller 被指定。最后,任何提供的$params 将被追加到请求对象。如果你不请求控制器或模块,当仍需要传递参数,简单地指定null到这些值。

7.13.6. 从 0.2.0 或以前的版本移植到 0.6.0

(这段就让它保持原样吧 Jason Qi)

The most basic usage of the MVC components has not changed; you can still do each of the following:


/* -- create a router -- */
$router = new Zend_Controller_RewriteRouter();
$router->addRoute('user', 'user/:username', array('controller' => 'user',
'action' => 'info'));

/* -- set it in a controller -- */
$ctrl = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();

/* -- set controller directory and dispatch -- */


We encourage use of the Response object to aggregate content and headers. This will allow for more flexible output format switching (for instance, json or XML instead of XHTML) in your applications. By default, dispatch() will render the response, sending both headers and rendering any content. You may also have the front controller return the response using returnResponse(), and then render the response using your own logic. A future version of the front controller may enforce use of the response object via output buffering.

There are many additional features that extend the existing API, and these are noted in the documentation.

The main changes you will need to be aware of will be found when subclassing the various components. Key amongst these are:

  • Zend_Controller_Front::dispatch() by default traps exceptions in the response object, and does not render them, in order to prevent sensitive system information from being rendered. You can override this in several ways:

    • Set throwExceptions() in the front controller:

    • Set renderExceptions() in the response object:

      // or:
      $response = $front->dispatch();
      echo $response;
  • Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Interface::dispatch() now accepts and returns a 第 7.4 节 “请求对象” object instead of a dispatcher token.

  • Zend_Controller_Router_Interface::route() now accepts and returns a 第 7.4 节 “请求对象” object instead of a dispatcher token.

  • Zend_Controller_Action changes include:

    • The constructor now accepts exactly three arguments, Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request, Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract $response, and array $params (optional). Zend_Controller_Action::__construct() uses these to set the request, response, and invokeArgs properties of the object, and if overriding the constructor, you should do so as well. Better yet, use the init() method to do any instance configuration, as this method is called as the final action of the constructor.

    • run() is no longer defined as final, but is also no longer used by the front controller; it's sole purpose is for using the class as a page controller. It now takes two optional arguments, a Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request and a Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract $response.

    • indexAction() no longer needs to be defined, but is encouraged as the default action. This allows using the RewriteRouter and action controllers to specify different default action methods.

    • __call() should be overridden to handle any undefined actions automatically.

    • _redirect() now takes an optional second argument, the Http code to return with the redirect, and an optional third argument, $prependBase, that can indicate that the base URL registered with the request object should be prepended to the url specified.

    • The _action property is no longer set. This property was a Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Token, which no longer exists in the current incarnation. The sole purpose of the token was to provide information about the requested controller, action, and URL parameters. This information is now available in the request object, and can be accessed as follows:

      // Retrieve the requested controller name
      // Access used to be via: $this->_action->getControllerName().
      // The example below uses getRequest(), though you may also directly access the
      // $_request property; using getRequest() is recommended as a parent class may
      // override access to the request object.
      $controller = $this->getRequest()->getControllerName();
      // Retrieve the requested action name
      // Access used to be via: $this->_action->getActionName().
      $action = $this->getRequest()->getActionName();
      // Retrieve the request parameters
      // This hasn't changed; the _getParams() and _getParam() methods simply proxy to
      // the request object now.
      $params = $this->_getParams();
      $foo = $this->_getParam('foo', 'default'); // request 'foo' parameter, using
                                                 // 'default' as default value if not found
    • noRouteAction() has been removed. The appropriate way to handle non-existent action methods should you wish to route them to a default action is using __call():

      public function __call($method, $args)
          // If an unmatched 'Action' method was requested, pass on to the default
          // action method:
          if ('Action' == substr($method, -6)) {
              return $this->defaultAction();
          throw new Zend_Controller_Exception('Invalid method called');
  • Zend_Controller_RewriteRouter::setRewriteBase() has been removed. Use Zend_Controller_Front::setBaseUrl() instead (or Zend_Controller_Request_Http::setBaseUrl(), if using that request class).

  • Zend_Controller_Plugin_Interface was replaced by Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract. All methods now accept and return a 第 7.4 节 “请求对象” object instead of a dispatcher token.
